Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ode to Spell Checker

O, spell checker, my spell checker,
You allow me to sound coherent (sometimes) when I have barely had any sleep.
I now no longer can spell common words,
And am far less likely to spell ones even more deep.

On you I always depend,
Whether I am writing an essay, email, Facebook post, or text,
Your little red and green wavy lines
Help me to determine which letters are next.

While my fourth grade teacher would be quite appalled,
With my inability to spell as well as I once did,
I cannot confess that I feel quite embarrassed,
Because spell checker the misspellings helps to rid.

In case you couldn't tell from my little bit of waxing lyrical,  I am a fan of spell checker.  There are those spelling purists who believe in spelling correctly simply for the sake of spelling correctly.  While I can see their side, I must say that I believe if you have access to a tool, use it.  If spell checker helps one be able to write more easily, more power to them.  The world is changing rapidly due to technology and what once was merely written about as a possibility in Sci-Fi novels in now the world in which we live.  So, use that fraction of the 10% of our brain we use for spelling and devote it to something else.  Fencing perhaps...

All Hail Spell Checker!

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