Saturday, February 4, 2012

Audio Books

Recently, a friend of mine lent me a very saucy Evanovich-co-written book called Full Bloom by Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes to list to as an audio book (against my most prolific arguments) on my LONG drive to work every morning (and the same drive home).  I usually enjoy listening to music on my drive (no cell phone, not even radio - there must be NO talking after all the hearing and talking I have done all day).  To appease my friend (and to finish this post) I ended up listening to the story as merely an experiment to monitor my reaction to audio books.  As I am a reading purist, I had a feeling my reaction was going to be skewed.

The first day, I, against my aforementioned opinions, I began getting really into the storyline.  It was very basic, easy to follow, and the reader had LOTS of voices.  I was immediately reminded of when I was a child and my mom would read aloud to me.  Even when I was older and could read on my own, I would always hone in on the story she would read to my younger sister.  There is just something about hearing someone else's emphasis on words. 

As the week continued, I found myself taking a longer way home, sitting in my driveway, and waiting to pump gas because I wanted to hear more of the story.  I also found that some of the voices that I had heard read to me were making their way into the stories I read to my class (the book Dying To Meet You by Kate Klise really benefited from the voices I picked up from the reader).  I was able to make clear pictures in my head from what I heard and found that I was more focused on the story (which may or may not have helped my driving).

The reservations that I had heading in were all removed.  I may not be ready to trade in my book shelves for an iPod, but I'm not going to turn away a good read if it comes in the form of sound.

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