Saturday, February 4, 2012


I'm a pretty avid reader.  I mostly read for enjoyment (there is lots of fluff like Janet Evanovich and Stephenie Meyer and happy endings like Rick Riordan in my personal library, along with anything by or about Jane Austen that I can get my hands on to keep me me a semi-respectable reader).  However, thanks to an assignment, I am working on becoming even more respectable.

I signed up and join the DailyLit website which sends 5-minutes worth of reading from a book to my email (which I check on my phone) everyday.  I chose Emma (one of the few Jane Austen works I haven't finished), and read each snippet every day.  At first, I thought that in my already busy schedule this would be just another unwelcome thing to check off my list.  However, I find that I am now looking forward to my little treat.  I scheduled it at the time I leave work because there is a LONG light I have to sit at that catches me every day.  I can usually finish my reading by the time it turns green!

Not only has the little snippet added a little written joy to my life, it is not the drag I had anticipated. 

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